Benjamin Shield, Ph.D.

The Brain
Understanding, Evaluation and Treatment for the
Craniosacral Therapist

This course has been developed for Craniosacral Therapists who have wanted a course to thoroughly explain brain anatomy, brain function, as well as brain and behavioral disorders. The purpose of this course is to show how we, as Craniosacral Therapists, can have direct inroads into brain function and the facilitation of health.

Many Cranial Therapists understand that treating brain anatomy and function is crucial, along with treating bones, sutures, and membranes. Craniosacral Therapists are in a unique position to address these issues. This class is offered on a limited basis and may only be presented once. Craniosacral Therapists are encouraged to attend to expand their knowledge and abilities.

Brain waves and brain function can be entrained through external influences. We know that stimuli, such as music, as well as a toning sound, such as “om,” that is used in certain cultures, can affect brain activity and that there is a measurable effect on brain waves as a result. If sound can profoundly influence brain function, it is very possible that touch and manual therapy may have a direct influence. The purpose of this class is to begin the discussion and offer methods that we can incorporate in our work to facilitate improvement.

Some of the topics that will be covered are:

Brain Anatomy, including all-important areas of function, dysfunction, and possible treatment.

Brain Function & Biology including auditory and language processing, the impact of various hormones on cognitive function, the differences between the female and male brain in development and ageing, mirror neurons, neurotransmitters and hormones, pleasure and reward centers, and much more.

Brain Development of the fetus, infants, children, adolescents, and adults.

Behavioral dysfunctions & functions, including addictions of various natures (alcohol, drugs, thought, food, sex, work, etc.), abnormal fears, aggressiveness and violence, anger, anxiety, attention deficit disorder (including hyperactivity), bipolar disorder, concentration, dementia, depression, hallucinations, impulsiveness, the nature of memory, nervousness, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorders, paranoia, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and Tourette’s Syndrome.

Physical & Genetic Manifestations including autism, biological clock disorders, brain injury, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, dyslexia, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, libido, Seasonal Affective Disorder, sleep disorders and stroke.

Brain Plasticity and discussion of Cortical Mapping and Re-mapping.

Effect of various medications, recreational drugs, and the practice of meditation.

The course is designed to give the Craniosacral Therapist confidence in understanding the material, clinical evaluation, and hands-on confidence in addressing many of these issues.